Friday, January 13, 2017

Day of Exploring

Today we woke up to very interesting weather. A combination of snow and rain made the sidewalks very slippery to walk on, but that didn't stop us from going to class and exploring the city.

 As usual we had class in the morning and today we learned about Fermat's Theorem. Professor Berliner surprised us by canceling class in the afternoon, which gave us some extra time to study for our upcoming midterm and enjoy the city.

For the afternoon we decided to cross the chain bridge and explore around the Hungarian National Gallery.  Since the gallery is on a hill, we could of either rode the elevator up or walk, we decided to take the scenic route and walk to take some amazing photos of Budapest and landmarks along the way. Sadly, we didn't go inside the National Gallery, but we will be going later as a whole group. 

After walking though, slushy snow and freezing our toes off. We decided to look for a place to eat.

To end the day, we went to a small burger restaurant call Lucky 7. 

Coming up tomorrow we will visiting the town of Szentendre.

Charles Bell
Chris Lee
Cheavpove Pen
Nick Holt

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